Show and Tell Monday:
My sister-in-law and her family have been visiting for 10 days and will be here until the 16th. They stay at my in-laws house about 15 minutes from my house. Their three children and my two cannot get enough of each other. We pretty much spend every waking minute with them. The bond between cousins is just wonderful but it really cuts down on work time for me. I have had a chance to sneak away for a few hours here and there. I missed last week's show and tell and did not want to miss this weeks. I managed to get a few pieces painted. They are awaiting distressing but I thought I'd show them anyway. The two matching tables came out of an original beach cottage in my hometown. The little cabinet is actually a humidor, lined in copper. The two tier I got for a steal at a flea market. Thanks for visiting...
I love the furniture. Wow, I love the two tables in the first picture. You do a beautiful job.
Jennifer ~ I love love your furniture !!! I miss our local flea market for finding great pieces like that ~
Jennifer, I love the 2 tiered table! Wish I lived nearby...
Oh my, how far is it to your house from mine? LOL, you would find those pieces missing for sure!
Now I do have one of those dessert/pie tables and have been wondering if I had the nerve to paint it....
You do beautiful work and I cannot wait to see them distressed...they are just unique pieces.
Pei Li
I love those tables. Can't wait to see them after the destressing.
They are great pieces! Love them!!!
Susan *dutchrose*
They are great pieces! I have two old tables that are in rough shape. I'm thinking of painting them. I can be a bit dangerous with paint though.
Great pieces, that humidor is quite a piece.
Your furniture is beautiful Jennifer! What a fun project!
Forget Me Not Dreams
Hi Jennifer,,, I really like these pieces. I love what you do to totally transform your funiture finds! I especially like the two tier table.
I am glad to hear you are enjoying so much family time. AND get some time for yourself. Thats great! (())gail
No need to finish.....just send them on to me and I will take care of it!!
You do wonderful work....wish I could find tables like those here!
Grandma G's
I love that Humidor! Do send up pics of them finished. Enjoy your family.
Jennifer, I really love the cabinet. You always have such beautiful pieces. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
Hi Jennifer! Very nice pieces of furniture. Someone will be scooping them up.
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose
nice stuff, jennifer. i love that dumb waiter.
Hi Jennifer!
How I wish those furniture pieces were mine! lol I am redecorating my living room all white and those would be perfect! Love your Show and Tell!
Janet's Creative Pillows
Jennifer I just love these old pieces. I'm sure they'll be beautiful when finished. Glad to here your having fun with family! Enjoy!
It's fun to see the process...I know your furniture willl be beautiful when it is finished...hope you show us more pictures...in the meantime, enjoy family...it is everything!!
I’m so glad that you get to spend some time with your family but as you say it’s hard to be working at the same time, I know of experience when we get company from back home, so much fun but…….
All the furniture looks great, can’t wait to see them when you are all done.
Sisters Gift Company
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