Today for Show and Tell Monday I decided
to share a few photos of my home and "studio". I hope no one minds that it's all about ME today! I wish I was better at photographing but I wanted to share my window boxes. Every year I spend too much money on all kinds of flowers and my boxes always look just okay. This year I spent 16.99 on a flat of lavender impatiens and they are the fullest they have ever been! I have people commenting on them all the time.
The next picture is our backyard with the barn, garden that my husband and children love to do and eat, and yes, that is a chicken coop. We have 1 rooster and 12 hens, as pets, with yummy eggs as a perk. The fourth picture is our fire pit for which I collected several vintage metal chairs. We spend many a night out here with friends and family having dinner and enjoying each others company. It's the perfect spot to be on a cool night. And ... I have to keep a constant supply of marshmallows on hand.

So next I thought I would share some photos of my work space, where I create. I had our garage turned into a room equipted with heat and a.c. a few years back. I really think the editors for the new "Where Women Create" will be knocking on my door to photo my gorgeous studio (Ha, Ha, Ha). Honestly, that book is one of my favorites and I hope to someday have a beautiful place to work. Right now, space is a huge obstacle in our little home. Hard to believe I actually work in that space! I usually have room in the center to paint. My two boys were in day camp last week so I had a lot of time to work. Everything in the photos is in various stages of being worked on. The photo in the red barn is my backup storage and as you can see, furniture is just about spilling out the door.(The sign says J.W. Designs because that was my business name for 15 years until I decided Cottage Flair suited me better for my website). I'm sure some of you think your space is messy. Feel better now???!!! Thanks for visiting ... feel free to stop by for some home grown veggies or fresh eggs anytime!!!

Hey Jennifer! I just love your window boxes! So pretty! I think it's great that you shared your home and your workspace! My basement beats your garage out for messy, I just have more room to expand the mess! Love the firepit and the metal chairs. I just bought a great metal chair - I'll have to take a picture of it to share, it's very cool! Have fun working on all that furniture... I'm heading over to your site to see what you have! XOXO
Hi Jennifer,
I absolutely adore your window boxes! I imagine waking up in the morning, looking out of the window and be so happy just seeing all the flowers! What a great way to start the day! Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos..it makes my day!
Pei Li
I love the white settee~ I mean LOVE it!Your space is wonderful~ cluttered and choatic~ just like it should be~ it is where a true Woman creates!
Hi Jennifer! Your window boxes are perfect for you little home. It's so warm and inviting, and I LUUURRVVE your workspace! I need a building all to myself....lol ;0]
Thank you for your compliment. I really appreciate your encouragement. Luvins!
you have a sweet home and yard. jennifer, it does look like you have lots and lots to keep you busy in your workspace. and yes...i am feeling a little less overwhelmed here...thanks for sharing!
Looooooovvvvvveeeee your house! OMG it's so fabulous! I love cute little houses with cute little flower boxes and such a gorgeous color on your house. What a fantastic place to live and work. Lucky gal you are. :)
Jennifer, the window boxes look great! and I love your workshop, that's not messy, that's organizeed chaos, there's a big difference.
Hi Jennifer,,, I LOVE your home. I cant imagine living in such a beautiful place with all of that green and trees. I live in the city, in the desert! I love your barn and chicken coop. Your work space looks perfect for what you do. It looks like alot of interesting pieces in there. Cant wait to see them when they are finished. Happy creating, gail
Hi Jennifer,
I must say.....your place looks pretty, dreamy...almost surreal. Country living at its best! And there is nothing, but nothing like fresh farm grown eggs. My DH and I had Anacondas many years ago when the kids were young and it was a real delight to have fresh eggs. And your barn....ooh, that is dreamy too, in a different way, but in a way that all of us MMP ladies would certainly understand. There is nothing like a place of your own where you can create... Thanks so much for sharing!!
Hi Jennifer! Your garage is so cute with the window boxes. My storage space looks just about the same...spilling out at the seams!LOL. It comes with the territory doesn't it!
Forget Me Not Dreams
Hi Jennifer, Your house is just lovely, and the window boxes ae to die for! You have some great things in your workspace. I would love to live and work in such a beautiful place!
Thanks for sharing your home. Your work space is so much neater than mine girl friend. LOL Ilove window boxes.
That fire pit is so inviting. I love a good fire. I can feel the wonderful times just by looking at it! Glad your flowers this year rose to the occasion. Lilli
Hi Jennifer!
Your house is so beautiful. First I love the light green color and the fact that you added the lavender impatiens makes your house even more beautiful. No wonder you get so many compliments. Love all the pictures too.
Janet's Creative Pillows
Hi Jennifer! The window boxes really dress up a home. They look so lush. Your workspace is a great place to 'create'. I'm sure you will be in a book soon!
The Polka Dot Rose
Hey Jennifer,
We haven't talked about that indentured servant thing in awhile. You know "no ear tag" will wear "name tag" and since then I found out your husband is a plumber. So is my little brother so I know all the plumber jokes. This is no coincidence, lol.
Hitchhiking takes time though from CA to CT. Love the whole farm, work room and shop, tooo.
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
I love your window boxes! They make a home so inviting! You have a lovely home! Thanks for sharin your photos.
HI Jennifer, What a lovely and charming home - I have a soft spot for sweet cape cods......and your's fits the bill.
Love your window boxes, admire your ambition when I look at your garage and barn!
lover seeing your workshop!!! your furniture looks great....ann
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