Let me say first that I have been the worst blogger!! Too much time goes by in between posts. So here goes ... We have a little mini farm at our house (which I never, in my younger years, would have ever thought I would be saying!!). Each Spring my two boys and I have a tradition ... we go to "chick day" at one of the local farms or feed stores. This year we visited Brenda's Main Street Feed in Durham, CT. It was so fun because she had so many varieties of chicks, all of the 48 hours old. We went thinking we'd pick 3 or 4 and came home with 6. It was hard to choose and if we didn't have 15 at home already we would have come home with more. They spent a few weeks in the house and have since been moved out to the coop to join the others. I can't get over how fast they grow!!Above are two of the six a few days after they came home with us ... Below is a photo of them in the coop, still separated, a few days ago. It's so cool to watch them grow and change and fill out with their beautiful feathers.

This is THE rooster, the king of the coop posing for a photo!

And a funny thing happened this year ... we had two hens decide to share a very small nesting box to sit on a clutch of eggs. Today one of the eggs hatched so we have a new baby chick. We'll see if there are more to come because there are an awful lot of eggs under them.

I think we may have a very full chicken coop!!
I'll post more photos as they grow. I never thought I'd be a "chicken person" but I have to say, I really enjoy them and the eggs are absolutely delicious!!
Thanks for visiting ...