Turquoise is the "in" color for the holidays this year. I love this look!
Hot chocolate OKA b. mini mule with matching velvet ribbon tie.
I would like to thank Miss Shabby Shan for bestowing upon me this lovely award. Thank you very much. http://shabbyshanscottage.blogspot.com/
Here are the rules:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Link it to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them (I'm letting them know here @ MMP)
And the nominees are:
Karen of Sweet Necessi-Teas: www.SweetNecessi-Teas.com
Carol of Clutter Bug Studio: www.clutterbugstudio.com
Inka of Inklings Designs: www.inklingsdesigns.com
Gail of Gail Friend Designs: www.gailfrienddesigns.com
Cindy of Angel Wings Cottage: www.AngelWingsCottage.com
Lori of Katie's Rose Cottage: www.katiesrosecottage.com
Stephanie of Shabby in Pink Boutique: www.SoShabbyinPink.com