Then, I had a few minutes this weekend to run to a town flea market with my son Josh. We were really looking for a bike for him. Our local ABC chapter has lots of bikes for sale and all of the proceeds support the ABC program. He got a great bike and I was lucky enough to be able to look around myself and find a few treasures. I could not pass up this lovely collection of vintage hankies and butter pat (although the woman selling it called it a ring dish). She presented it all together in a box and I had to have it (great marketing!!!). I found a cute little floral dish and a teapot caddy as well. That would have been great last Friday!! ( These items are listed on my site today). I also picked up two fantastic tables to paint and a mirror. I'll show and tell those when they are done. Thanks for visiting ...

Beautiful tea tile!
Susan *dutchrose*
very pretty finds...lucky you!
you found some awesome treasures Jennifer.
I love the hankies.
Love these beautiful vintage items.
Jennifer~ Your blog looks BEAUTIFUL! and so does your treasures. Happy Monday!
Pink Hugs,
Isn't finding these treasures addictive! Such beautiful colors!! You did great!
La Femme Rose
What pretty finds! Your new bolg looks wonderful:)
What gorgous finds! Thanks for sharing I wish I had gone out Saturday there were so many yard sales maybe next weekend! I just love the old hankies.
Wow, I love those vintage handkerchiefs.
What fun finds. love the hankies. Tell your son to enjoy the new bike and be careful!
Your blog looks so pretty! What great finds.
Hi Susan,
First, I love your blog! Those lavender napkins are so very pretty! I just love the color lavender on anything. And the plates are great too. Love your Show and Tell.
Janet's Creative Pillows
What beauties you found! Treasures for sure. Thank you for the nice show and tell.
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose
I love all your newly found goodies. Your blog looks fab too!
Great finds! I love vintage hankies and butter pats, too!
Looks like you found lots of pretties....thanks for showing us!
Pink hugs,
Hi Jennifer,
Don't you just love to go treasure hunting?! Well, I think that is one thing we all have in common at MMP. Your website is delightful!! Love it!!
Hi Jennifer,, I love the new look of your blog!!! I love the hankerchiefs too. They are so fun to collect...
Sorry I am so late posting, but blogger kept throwing me off earlier... (()) gail
Jennifer, love the lavender hankies and the matching butter dish, too cute! Your new blog design is wonderful,
Cathy does such an amazing job!
Carpe Diem!
Sisters Gift Company
Hi! Susan...ohhlaa la those are gorgeous...and so is your blog..
Cindy:) clay queen
Whoopsie..I meant Jennifer...I am so sorry LOL
Cindy :)
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