I've Been Tagged by Michelle of The Raspberry Rabbits so here goes ...
1. I love shoes, all kinds of shoes. I especially love high heels but have no business wearing them (I really can't walk in them too well). The more funky and outrageous, the more I love them. I posted earlier this week about a pair I ordered in NY: they are leopard skin with a peacock feather flower on the toe with a rhinestone pin in the center. I can't wait for them to arrive!! Come Fall I am in cowboy boots. It's not really the thing here in shoreline CT but I just love them.
2. I became an entrepreneur at the age of 8. I used to set up at local crafts fairs with my goodies, my specialty at the time was paper weights: round rocks from Watch Hill, RI decoupaged with pictures of flowers and animals. One of my all time favorite Christmas gifts was a sewing machine when I was 9. So much cooler than a bike. I still sew now but my passion is painting furniture.
3. I don't love to travel, I'm more of a homebody. I go to places I'm comfortable with like NY or Atlanta. Otherwise, it takes a bit to get me somewhere but once I'm there, I'm happy I went.
4. I love where I am in my life right now. I just turned 42, which I thought would be hard but wasn't. I have two wonderful boys, 9 & 12, and a great husband. I have several businesses that I truly enjoy: Flair... a handbag and accessory home party business I have with one of my best friends, Cottage Flair (my website) and The Nosey Goose, the shop I have with my Mother where I sell my furniture. Life really does seem to come into perspective as you get older.
5. I HATE to cook! I am not good at it at all and I see it as an intrusion into my day.
6. I am terrible at keeping in touch with my friends. Thankfully, they all understand and call me.
7. I spend way too much time on my computer!!! but it's so much fun reading blogs and searching for stuff.
Now I am tagging:
Karla and Kristi of Polka Dot Rose
Sister's Gift Company
Cathy of Treasured Heirlooms
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
Michelle of Rose Petals and Blooms